Nine Dragon Heads makes an attempt and stimulation to leave better heritage in the future from the environmental and spiritual viewpoint. Human beings have repeated development with enormous domination and control about environment. There is no doubt that human beings are superior in every respect. Thinking back to the past history, many species on the earth were exterminated because for some reason the friendly environment which helped their birth changed into hostile attitude. 

While mankind, the first species that had the ability of operating on surroundings, have got out of innumerable change of nature to some degree.                                                               

But human has regarded the nature as the target of challenge and conquest, that is to say, as the subject of testing mankind's ability in the process of transforming and possessing the nature.                                                             


Ultimately if we are asked a question when the mankind will disappear, we may answer "the day will not be far distant." No matter how peculiar men may be, we must deeply realize that men are also the product of appropriate environment and the part of huge nature.   


Can men lead a life with understanding and respect about the world of nature ?     

Can men maintain a life peacefully and fairly for the long survival of mankind ?  

What decide this future of human is the mutual relation between human and human, human and circumstances.


NINE DRAGON HEADS changes close-minded 'I' into open-minded 'I' and urges to reconsider equilibrium relation between human and environment through the art holding in common human's infinite imagination, experience, and ideas. NINE DRAGON HEADS joins various culture and unfolds international composite art. We hope to have in common community consciousness and impulsion of the cooperation existed deeply in human's heart through these various forms.                                     

Human beings who have single species of Homo Sapiens Sapiens have developed wide and diverse culture. we understand that the diverse difference of culture is the speciality of culture itself, not comparison or superiority. NINE DRAGON HEADS expects to have a new understanding of human nature and world through the art as long as men. We anticipate that we can leave healthier environment-the heritage of future-to posterity through the curable function of art.


Details of Nine Dragon Heads 2011 Switzerland 

Theme ::3 PAW

Period : 12nd ~ 21st.OCT

Venue : Biel/Bienne Open City

Event : Open Air Symposium


Culture Survey

Organization : Nine Dragon Heads

Director . Park Byoung Uk

Organization on the Spot

Susanne Muller (Artist)

Daniela de Maddalena (Artist)

Annelise Zwez (Art Critique)

Participation List

Ali Bramwell (NZ)

Alois Schild (AT)

Adriano Gon (IT)

Bruce Allan (GB)

Christoph Doucet (FR)

Daniela de Maddalena (CH)

Denizhan Ozer (TK)

Gabriel Adams (USA)

Gordana Andjelic Galic (B&H)

Harold de Bree (NL)

Diek Grobler (S.Africa)

illiko Zautashvili (GEO)

Jessy Rahman (SUR)

Yoo Joung Hye (ROK)

Kam Yeon Hee (ROK)

Magda Guruli (GEO)

Max Buehlman (CH)

Susanne Muller (CH)

Paul Donker Duyvis (NL)

Philip Dadson (NZ)

Ursula Stalder (CH)

Yoko Kajio (AU/JP)

Pang Hyo Sung (ROK)

Enrique Muñoz Garçia (Chile)


Opening Performance : Trobos in Bok (ROK)


1. Open Air Symposium 

Venue :  Biel/Bienne Open City .


Participation : For all artists who participating in Nine Dragon Heads 2011

Choose the working area freely. Installation,Objects are most suitable for this event.

Artists are responsible for bringing suitable works and setting up their own work

also you can make an art work or installation directly in area during period


If you feel you need special materials for your concept,

Please discuss whether this will be acceptable before you begin setting up your work.

Please bring your own materials & tools. simple hardwere can be purchased easily.



2. Conference - Presentation & Roundtable

Presentation : SFG Biel (Art school)


Round Table

Recent Activities of Nine Dragon Heads – Park Byoung Uk

Chamagodo – Susanne Muller . Daniela de Maddalena

Nomadic Party – Paul Donker Duyvis

Terminus Proejct – Ali Bramwell

Sarajevo Winter – Jessy Rahman

Artisterium - Magda Guruli. Iliko Zautashvili 

Presentation will be open to anybody who wishes to introduce his or her practice

Artists present their work (approx 10mins each) followed by free discussions and outlook on future topics

Available Equipment

Internet, Beam-Projector


3. Culture Survey

Period : 20th ~ 21th

Venue : Flexible

Survey for participating artists from other countries who will gain understanding of Swiss identity and Cultural Aesthetics. The survey will include visits in Luzern, Biel-Bienne, Twann, Artists Studio,….etc


4. Conditions    


Artists stay at Hotel in Biel

Breakfast : Hotel

Lunch : Restaurant  

Dinner : Artists Cook

Pick-up to Arrival & Departure

Arrival on 10th ~11st. August.

Will be picked up at Airport. Station.

Departure are individual


Catalog will be printed after symposium.

Colour and Black & White, each artist put into 4 pages

Design and layout will be formatted after symposium by Nine Dragon Heads.

So Artist must be bring own format until 30th. Nov


Further information can be obtained by Tel. & @mail

Mobile : +82 (0)10 3934 8888 

@mail :


Program of the symposium


October 11th (Tuesday)

Individual Arrival in Biel-Bienne.

Accommodation in the Lago Lodge-Hostel, Uferweg 5, 2560 Nidau

Welcome-Dinner with first informations


October 12th (Wednesday)

9 am: Daily meeting in the Lago Lodge Hostel with introduction in the program of the Nine Dragon Heads Symposium in Biel-Bienne.

Handing out of the bicycles to the artists

First contact with the lake near surroundings

Setup of the artists presentations at the inauguration-event for invited guests at Art Etage (Vernissage: 18 p.m.) The exhibition stays until the end of the Symposium.

20 pm: Visit of the museum of contemporary art, Centre Pasquart, in the same building. Welcome-speach by the director and introduction in the current exhibition.


October 13th (Thursday)

9 am: Daily meeting at the Lago Lodge.

Visit of the international Off-Space "Lokal-int." (

Individual investigations in town.

Installation of the "results of the day" in the "Lokal-int."

6 - 10 pm: Public Vernissage with presentation of the idea of the Nine Dragon Heads Symposiums and moderated artist talks.


October 14th (Friday)

9 am: Daily meeting at the Lago Lodge

Free working in the closed area of the lido

Individual preparing of the performances for the public event at the Central Place (Zentralplatz) of Saturday (with sponsors)

6.30 pm: Visit at the atelier of a Dutch artist in residence in the hills above Biel-Bienne.


October 15th (Saturday)

9 am: Daily meeting at the Lago Lodge

11 - 2 am / pm Public Performance-Event at the Zentralplatz of Biel-Bienne (with sponsors).

4 p.m. Conducted tour with the "townhiker" Benedikt Loderer.

In the evening: Nomadic Party


October 16th (Sunday)

9 am: Daily meeting at the Lago Lodge

Free working in the protected area of the lido

4 pm: Departure for the visit in the atelier of susanne muller in Prêles


October 17th (Monday)

9 am. Departure for Berne. Visit in the House of Parliament

Afternoon: Free working in the protected area of the lido

5 pm. Visit of the atelier of Daniela de Maddalena and other artists of Biel-Bienne (Neumarktstrasse 64). With guests of the local society of artists (visarte). (


October 18th (Tuesday)

9 am: Excursion to the "Diving-Station" of the Department of Archeology (lake-dwellers / Unesco world inheritage). Introduction by the chief-archeologue of the site.

12 am: Departure of the "MS Bielersee" at the port of the lake of Biel - Bienne. Presentation of two land-art-films (Uli Studer / Thomas Batschelet) of projects along the lake (Viniterra / Vocis terra).

2 pm: Arrival at the island of St. Peter (Petersinsel / Rousseau-Island). Free time for own investigations. Departure for Twann.

4.30 pm: Visit of the house of Annelise Zwez (Lake-Dweller

Museum / bailiff-house 16th century).

6 pm: Visit in the wine-cellar of Olivier Perrot. Dinner.

Return to Biel-Bienne by train.


October 19th (Wednesday)

9 am: Daily Meeting at the Lago Lodge

Free working

3.30 - 8 pm: School vor Art Design B:B (Schule für Gestaltung Biel-Bern). Swiss Students and the international artists of Nine Dragon Head present themselves at each other (workshop with digital presentation).


October 20th (Thursday)

9 am: Daily meeting at the Lago Lodge

Free working

Presentation of the works / performances “artist to artist” in the lido-area

Invitation of High-School-Classes and other interested people.

Finissage with first photo-documentations of the Symposium at the Art - Etage (only for artists).


October 21th (Friday)

Programm in preparation (Lucerne / Mountains etc.)


October 22th (Saturday)

Individual departure