Max Bühlmann

1956 born in Rickenbach, Lucerne (CH)

Education at the School for Creation, Lucerne (Schule für Gestaltung, Lucerne)

Study at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

Single- exhibitions

2003                    Vienna, Galerie Wolfrum

2002                    Cityhall Sursee,  Bild vom Haus

2001                    Art/Remise Bludenz  9 x 15 Schritte , Curator: Roland Jörg

                           Galerie Rivolta, Genève

1999                    Zurich/Dübendorf, Galerie Bob Gysin

1996                    Zurich; Kunsthof: „Die Malerkapelle„  Curator: Christoph Schenker

1993                    Lucerne, Kunstmuseum *

1992                    Zurich/Dübendorf, Galerie Bob Gysin *

1990                    Lausanne, Galerie Rivolta

                           Zurich, Galerie Bob van Orsouw, together with Cecile Huber

1989                    Zurich/Dübendorf, Galerie Bob Gysin *

1986                    Vienna, Galerie Amer, together with Marcus Geiger




2001                    Soloturn, Museum for Fine Art, Analog-Dialog *

1999                    Rome, Hinterland, Gallery Change, together with Flavio Micheli and Cecile Hummel

1997                    Vienna, Galerie Station 3,  Papier/Objekt/Skulptur

1990                    St.Immer, Ex Aequo  Curator: Dr. Fibicher *

                           Lucerne, Galerie Mai 36, Lucerne- Transit

1989                    Winterthur, Kunsthalle, Igitur  Curator: Christoph Schenker*

1986                    Emmen, City Hall Gersag, with Urs Frei and Marcus Geiger

                           Vienna, Galerie Pakesch *

                           Zurich, Shedhalle/Rote Fabrik, Auf dem Rücken des Tigers

                           Curator: Christoph Schenker*

                           Nürnberg, Kunsthalle, Offenes Ende, Kunstszene Schweiz, Nürnberg, Germany

                           Curator: Urs Stahel*     

1985                    Zurich, Shedhalle/Rote Fabrik, Fünf Lucerneer Künstler  Curator: Luigi Kurmann




2000                    Gut Gasteil, Prigglitz (NÖ), Kunst in der Landschaft V Curator Chr. u. J. Seidl *

2002                    Zihlkanal (NE, CH) Artcanal *




1998                    Schulhaus Rickenbach (CH)



Scolarships and Prizes


Scolarship (Studio), Binz 39, Zurich 1987-88

Contributions of the Canton of Lucerne, 1988

Scolarship of the federal swiss comunity, 1989

Contributions of the City and Canton of Zurich 1990 and 1991

Scolarship (studio) of the City of Zurich for Genoa (Italy), 1990

Exhibition-Prize of the art-association, Lucerne, 1992

Scolarship of the Austrian Ministry for Art, 1996

Sussmann-prize, Vienna 2000

Theodor Körner prize for Science and Art, Vienna, 2000

(* with catalogue)