Sandy James


Graduated in Fine Arts 2002.


Deferred all education and continued working till 1998.


Completed one year of Education/ Ourimbah Campus 1996.


Completed Open Foundation English/ History 1995 Ourimbah Campus.


Created a family of Husband and two sons 1985 onwards.


Carried many jobs 1980- 1995.


Completed Phyllis Shillito School of Graphics 1980


Completed School Certificate at Hornsby Girls High, 1976.

Artist¡¯s Statement

       I feel that art is a visual account of writing a personal journal, and as insignificant as one might feel in a world of increasing technological advancement I hope that the individual does not become the most insignificant component to human existence. At a time when communication has ballooned to the capability of global contact, I fear that we are becoming more isolated as individuals and we cannot keep up with the mass of technological advancement, and give into materialism, mass production and development, economic temptations and pitfalls where money and profit are the only recognition of success. I am privileged to be in a situation where I can have the luxury to make art as a commentator and observer of my own environment and time, and my greatest reward is that someone will relate to my small voice.

¡° ¡® ¡°There is no such thing as society.¡±¡¯

¡®Right. I see it in health care. Neo-classical economics, that is, free trade and the rush to ever cheaper labour, deregulation, privatization, the abandonment of government to the market- it¡¯s now sold under the feel- good euphemism of globalisation- has been rampant for the last twenty years. People not yet unemployed are shivering in their shoes from insecurity. They can¡¯t plan for their retirement , they can¡¯t plan for their children¡¯s education, they can¡¯t plan for next week. And all the while they and the untold numbers already unemployed are being made to feel inadequate because of it.¡¯¡±

                                            Elliot Perlman in Seven Types of Ambiguity.


Artist¡¯s Profile:

2001 Graduation Exhibition Central Coast Campus.

Won People¡¯s Choice Award in Central Coast University Banford Art Prize 2000.

Selected for Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence Central Coast University 2001.

Exhibited in Gosford Regional Art Gallery Open Art Prize 1999,2002,2003.

Exhibited in Gosford Regional Art Gallery Artist¡¯s in the Japanese Gardens 2002.

Exhibited in Avoca Primary School  Invited Artists¡¯ Exhibition 2003.

Committee Member of Eo inc. 2004.


My name is Sandy James. I was born in Sydney in 1960. I now live at Avoca Beach on the Central Coast NSW. I am married and have two sons. I am an emerging artist.

Email address nicetri@iinet-net-au

Postal address 66 Cape Three Points Road, Avoca Beach, 2251, NSW, Australia.